Average Girl With Curly Hair Frizzy Blonde Cute Grunge Funny Dork Haha

** I'1000 going to wing some stuff here because holy shit it took me yeah. over 2 hours i tin't..and these are mainly inaccurate.

Dc: Don't care
Off: Turn off
On: Turn on

Is shorter then you: dc
Taller than yous: dc
Wears a grill: off
Dresses Gangsta: dc
Dresses Preppy: dc
Dresses Skater: on
Dresses Athletic: on
Dresses Gothic: dc
Has green eyes: on
Has brown optics: dc
Has hazel eyes: dc
Has blue optics: on
Smokes weed: off
Drinks alcohol: dc
Plays sports: dc
Tin can skate: dc
Writes lyrics: on
Smiles a lot: on
Has bad manners in front of you:

if he calls me a bitch then off
Has blonde hair: dc
Has brown pilus: dc
Has blackness hair: dc
Has red pilus: dc
Has spikey hair: dc
Has no pilus: off
Has longish hair: dc
Has curly hair: dc
Has wavey-ish pilus: dc
Skillful dancer: on they can trip the light fantastic toe on my disco stick anytime
Wears jewelry: depends how much and what kind off
Piercings: on
Muscles: dc
Vi pack: dc
Laid back: on
Plays guitar: on
Raps: on
Tin can describe: dc
Has a lip ring: dc
Has a tongue ring: dc
Nipples pierced: off
Hugs you: on
Hugs from backside: on
Creative: on
Calls you but to hear your voice: on
Goes to church: dc
Cusses a lot: on
Is funny: on
Kisses you lot out of no where: on
If a guy is obsessive over you: off depends how much


Practise You:
Accept a boyfriend/girlfriend? Not at the moment. No.
Live with your Mum and Dad? .. No. Lived with Lou

before I burned our apartment; now I'm with Liam and Niall.
Have any siblings? Yeah, Gemma. My older sis.
Take any one-half siblings? No.
Accept any pets? Yeah, Dusty / Molly..

IN THE By 24 HOURS Accept YOU:
Purchased something? Er, not actually.
Gotten sick? Non at all.
Sang? I hummed, if that counts. (:
Felt stupid? Plenty of times.
Missed someone? Yeah; still do.
Gotten Drunk? Not yet, but thanks for reminding me.
Gotten High? No, no.
Danced Crazy? Yes. : 3
Gotten You Hair Cutting? Nope, not letting anyone impact my hair notwithstanding.
Watched cartoons? Yeeeaahh.
Lied To Someone? No.

Q: Sat on a roof acme. Truthful.
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your apparel on. True.
Q: Broken a bone. Didn't break information technology, more like sprained.
Q: Shaved your head. False.
Q: Been arrested. false
Q: Held a snake. fake
Q: Played a prank on someone. True.
Q: Shot a gun. false
Q: Donated Blood. false.
Q: Been suspended from school. faux. i'm a skillful student. (;
Q: Sang karaoke. true.
Q: Washed something you told yourself you wouldn't practice. truthful.
Q: Laughed until you started crying. truthful.
Q: Caught a snowflake on your natural language. true.
Q: Kissed in the rain. imitation. but information technology'll exist true shortly.
Q: Sang in the shower. true.

1. Sun or moon? sun.
2. Winter or Summer? winter'south fun, but i prefer summer.
three. Left or correct? right.
4. Cat or dog? CATS. DEFINITELY.
5. Southern hemisphere or Northern hemisphere? Both. But if I had to cull, northern.
vi. Society or pub? Club, but I'd be in a pub if Niall was around. :eyes:
7. Friends or family? Do I have to choose? I choose both. Because #yolo
eight. Spousal relationship or dating? Dating.. More fun, merely I guess marriage later on.
ix. Twirl or cut spaghetti? Who cuts spaghetti? Twirl information technology of course.
eleven. Delivery or liberty? ... That's difficult to chose.
12. Doctor or lawyer? Lawyer.
thirteen. Baked or fried? broiled.
14. Art or sport? Hmm.. I gauge sport.
fifteen. Red or blue? Blueish.

1. Who was your first roommate? LOUIS.

who hates me now.
ii. What alcoholic potable did y'all drink when you got drunk the get-go fourth dimension? ... Erm, beer?
three. What was your first job? .. I worked at the Bakery at Holmes Chapel.
four. What was your first automobile? The first car I /own/ is my Range Rover.
5. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? I don't remember.
6. Who was your commencement grade teacher? Oh man, was so long ago..
7. Where did y'all proceed your first ride on an airplane? Prior to I Direction? That I really don't know.
8. When did you sneak out of your house for the outset time? 'bout when I was xv. wanted to see my girlfriend.
9. Who was your first best friend? I don't have a first. :I
10. What was the first video game console you ever got as a kid? I think it was a gameboy.. Yeah. It was really former, I tin can't remember.
eleven. Who is the first person you talk to when you have a bad day? .. Louis..
12. What is the kickoff thing you did when y'all got up this morning? Stretch.
13. What was the first concert you went to? ... I think it was.. Coldplay.. or I but wished that.
14. Beginning piercing or tattoo? Tattoo.. I've gotten was this -- [Shows off his 'I can't change' tattoo on his left wrist.]
15. First celebrity crush? Cheryl Cole.

[x] I nevertheless scout cartoons on Saturdays || any mean solar day, really.
[x] I consume Fruit Loops.
[x] I go trick or treating. || didn't get to do it for a while though.
[ ] I've taken a bubble bathroom in the concluding month.
[10] I have water balloon fights with my friends
[x] I nonetheless believe in Santa
[/] Sleep till noon.
[ ] I all the same pass out footling Valentines day cards on Valentines Mean solar day.
[10] The male child/daughter that sits next to me is cute.
[/] I still drink apple juice.
[ ] In that location are monsters under my bed.
[ ] I tin't slumber with the lights off
[x] I can't sleep with the lights on.
[ ] Boys/girls withal have cooties || worst affair you can get from either is not cooties.

hint: information technology'due south AIDS.

A : has a smiling to dice for
B : is a nerd at times
C : can kick your butt
D : bully friend
Due east : has cute eyes
F : wild and crazy
Chiliad : HOT!
H : likes someone
I : makes people laugh
J : is really sweet
Thousand : gorgeous
L : very adept kisser
M : tin can be funny and dumb at times
N : easy to fall in beloved with
O : has one 0f the best personalities ever
P : popular with all types 0f people
Q : dainty barrel
R : gives good hugs
S : very open up - minded
T : makes people laugh
U : is loved by every0ne
V : not judgmental
W : very romantic
10 : never permit pe0ple tell yous what to do
Y : very hot
Z : makes dating fun

H : likes someone
A : has a smile to die for
R : gives skillful hugs
R : gives good hugs
Y : very hot

S : very open - minded
T : makes people laugh
Y : very hot
L : very proficient kisser
East : has beautiful eyes
S : very open up - minded

.. yous're telling me. (;


Natural hair color
[x] Brown - $100
[10] Blonde - $50 || it was blonde when i was younger.
[ ] Black - $15
[ ] Bald - $v
[ ] Other-$75

Full: $150

Center Colour:
[ ] Brown - $50
[10] Green - $75
[ ] Bluish $150
[ ] Hazel $100
[ ] Other - $15

Total and so far: $225

[ ] Over vii′ - $200
[ ] six′eight″ to seven′ - $175
[ ] half-dozen′0″ to half-dozen′7″ - $150
[x] five′five″ to 5′11″ - $75
[ ] 5′iv″ to v′10″ - $85
[ ] Under v′iv - $275

Total and so far: $300

[ ] 50 to 56 - $175
[ ] 46 to 50 - $150
[ ] 41 to 45 - $125
[ ] 31 to 40 - $100
[ ] 26 to 30 - $75
[ ] 21 to 25 - $50
[x] nineteen to xx - $25
[ ] 0 to 18 - $100

Total so far: $325

Birth Guild:

[ ] Twins or more than than twins - $750
[ ] Outset Born - $320
[ ] Only Child - $250
[x] Second born - $150
[ ] Heart child - $100
[ ] Terminal Built-in - $100
[ ] 3rd born - $550
[ ] Quaternary born - $300
[ ] 5th born - $400
[ ] Sixth born -$215

Full so far: $475

[ ] I did like twice - $400
[ ] Simply Holidays - $250
[x] Sometimes - $215
[ ] Yes - $200
[ ] only weekends - $300
[ ] Every other twenty-four hour period - $l
[ ] Once a solar day - $15
[ ] I live from the bottle - $Bankrupt$
[ ] No - $600

Total so far: $690

[ ] perfect vision $400
[10] need or have glasses/ contacts but don't wear them $200
[ ] No correction $100
[ ] Glasses $50
[ ] contacts $25
[ ] Surgical correction -$100

Full so far: $890

Shoe Size:
[ ] 13+ - $300
[ ] 12 and a half to thirteen - $250
[ten] 11 to 12 - $400
[ ] 7 to 10 - $500
[ ] Under 7- $450

Total and then far: $1290

Favorite Colors (two):
[x] Greenish-$750
[ ] Carmine - $600
[ ] Black - $100
[ ] Yellow -$475
[ ] Brown - $300
[ ] Purple - $225
[ ] White - $400
[ ] Aqua - $350
[ ] Orange - $300
[x] Blueish - $300
[ ] Pink - $100
[ ] Other - $500

Total: $2240

Did you use a calculator to add information technology all up?
[ ] Yes $0
[x] Nope - $1000
[ ] some- $750


hmm. i don't believe this is accurate.


[ ] I am shorter than 5'4.
[ ] I think I'm ugly sometimes.
[ ] I have many scars.
[ ] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[ten] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[x] I take a tattoo.
[/] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[ ]I have/I've had braces.
[/] I wear glasses.
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safety, free of cost, and scar-free.
[x] I've been told I'one thousand attractive by a complete stranger. || all. the. time.
[ ] I have more 2 piercing.
[ ] I have piercing in places besides my ears.
[ ] I have freckles.

Family/Domicile Life
[10] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from dwelling house.
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[ ] My biological parents are together.
[ ] I accept a sibling less than one year old.
[ ] I want to have kids someday.
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.

[ ] I'm in school
[10] I have a job
[x] I've fallen asleep at work/schoolhouse
[ten] I almost always do my homework.
[ ] I've missed a week or more than of school.
[ ] I've been on the Accolade Gyre within the concluding ii years
[ ] I failed more than than 1 grade last year
[ ] I've stolen something from my task.
[x] I've been fired.

[ ] I've slipped out an "lol" in a spoken conversation.
[ ] Disney movies still make me cry.
[/] I've peed from laughing.
[x] I've snorted while laughing.
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[/] I've glued my hand to something.
[ ] I've had my pants rip in public.  || this is liam. this is ttly liam.

[ ] I was born with a disease/impairment.
[ ] I've gotten stitches/staples
[ ] I've broken a os.
[ ] I've had my tonsils removed.
[x] I've sat in a doctor's office/emergency room with a friend.
[ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I had a serious surgery.
[ ] I've had craven pox.

[x] I've driven over 200 miles in i twenty-four hours.
[10] I've been on a plane.
[x] I've been to Canada.
[x] I've been to Mexico.
[ ] I've been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] I've been to Japan.
[ ] I've celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[10] I've been to Europe.
[ ] I've been to Africa.

[ten] I've gotten lost in my metropolis.
[ ] I've seen a shooting star.
[ ] I've wished on a shooting star
[ ] I've seen a meteor shower.
[x] I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
[x] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[x] I've kicked a guy where information technology hurts. || long fourth dimension agone--
[x] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving.
[x] I've gone skinny dipping. || haha who doesn't--
[x] I've played spin the bottle.
[ ] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in i hour.
[ ] I've crashed a automobile.
[ ] I've been Skiing.
[ ] I've been in a play.
[ ] I've met someone in person from myspace.
[x] I've defenseless a snowflake on my natural language.
[ ] I've seen the Northern lights.
[x] I've sat on a roof peak at dark.
[10] I've played chicken.
[x] I've played a prank on someone.
[x] I've ridden in a taxi.
[ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Testify.
[ ] I've eaten sushi.
[ ] I've been snowboarding.

[ten] I'm single.
[ ] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'thousand engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumped more than the dumper.
[x] I miss someone right at present.
[ ] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I've gotten divorced.
[x] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[x] I've told someone I didn't honey them when I did.
[ ] I've kept something from a past human relationship.

[x] I've had a trounce on someone of the same sex.
[10] I've had a shell on a instructor.
[x] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I've been kissed in the rain.
[10] I've hugged a stranger.
[ten] I have kissed a stranger.

[x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
[ten] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[x] I've snuck out of my house.
[/] I have lied to my parents most where I am.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the earth.
[x] I've cheated while playing a game.
[] I've cheated on a test.
[10] I've run a red lite.
[ ] I've been suspended from schoolhouse.
[ ] I've witnessed a crime.
[ ] I've been in a fist fight.
[ ] I've been arrested.

[x] I've consumed booze.
[ ] I regularly beverage.
[ ] I've passed out from drinking.
[ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the by 6 months.
[ ] I've smoked weed
[ ] I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
[ ] I've eaten shrooms.
[ ] I've popped Due east.
[ ] I've inhaled Nitrous.
[ ] I've done difficult drugs.
[ ] I take cough drops when I'm not ill.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I tin can eat about five pills at a fourth dimension no problem.
[ ] I take been diagnosed with clinical depression.
[ ] I have been diagnosed with i or more anxiety disorder.
[x] I close others out when I'thou depressed.
[ ] I accept anti-depressants.
[ ] I'yard anorexic or bulimic.
[ ] I've slept an entire 24-hour interval when I didn't demand information technology.
[ ] I've injure myself on purpose.
[ ] I've woken upward crying.

Death and Suicide
[ ] I'grand afraid of dying.
[x] I hate funerals.
[x] I've seen someone dying.
[10] Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
[ ] Someone close to me has committed suicide.
[ ] I've planned my own suicide.
[ ] I've attempted suicide.
[ ] I've written a eulogy for myself.

[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[10] I own an iPod or MP3 player.
[ ] I accept an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[ ] I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
[x] I ain something from Hot Topic.
[ ] I ain something from Pac Sun.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[ ] I ain something from The Gap.
[x] I own something I got on east-bay.
[x] I own something from Abercrombie.

[ten] I tin can sing well.
[ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[x] I open upwards to others hands.
[/] I sentry the news.
[/] I don't impale bugs.
[ ] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of existence able to rhyme.
[10] I curse regularly.
[/] I sing in the shower.
[/] I am a forenoon person.
[ ] I paid for my jail cell phone ring tone.
[ ] I'thousand a snob about grammar.
[/] I am a sports fanatic.
[ ] I twirl my hair.
[ ] I have "x"south in my screen name.
[ ] I love being nifty.
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I've copied more than than 30 CD'southward in a day.
[x] I bake well.
[ten] My favorite color is either white, yellowish, pink, red or blue
[ ] I've worn pajamas to school.
[ ] I like Martha Stewart.
[ ] I know how to shoot a gun
[x] I am in dearest with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I laugh at my ain jokes.
[ ] I eat fast food weekly.
[10] I believe in ghosts.
[ ] I am online 24/7, even equally an away bulletin.
[ ] I've non turned anything in and all the same got an A in a certain class.
[ ] I can't slumber if at that place is a spider in the room.
[x] I am actually ticklish.
[ ] I love white chocolate
[ten] I bite my nails.
[x] I play video games.
[x] I'chiliad skilful at remembering faces.
[/] I'm skillful at remembering names.
[ ] I'm good at remembering dates.
[ ] I accept no idea what I desire to do for the rest of my life.

[/] All of those are answered honestly


LAYER 1: ON THE Exterior.
Proper noun: harry edward styles
Birth Date: february 1st, 1994
Current Location: londonnnn
Hair Color: outset blond so brown
Righty/Lefty: right handed

Your fear:

dying alone failing everyone. lolidfkidontwatchtheirinterviews
Your dream of the perfect date: perhaps .. at nighttime i'll head over to my love's doorstep, ring their door bell and when they answer there'll be trail of roses leading to an empty, open park where a picnic basket is set along with food i made and a few lit candles. then nosotros'd just be talking about different things then gaze up at the stars once all the nutrient'due south finished.
Goals yous'd like to achieve: i'thousand already living upwardly to them.

Your thoughts kickoff waking up: i'thou all the same sleepy.
Your best physical characteristic: that i'm not quite sure about

Your bed time: when i feel tired.
Your most missed memory: don't actually accept one. merely due south'pose when i'm on bout and i'chiliad missing the fourth dimension i spent with my mum and sis.

Pepsi or Coke: coke.
McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonald's.
Single or Group Dates: either'south but fine.
Adidas or Nike: adidas. but i fancy nike too.
Chocolate or Vanilla: both-- 'kay guess i'd have to choose chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino from starbucks.

Smoke: no
Cuss: usually.
Accept showers: yeah otherwise i'd olfactory property like something died.
Take a shell: you tell me. (;
Similar school: it'due south alright.
Believe in yourself: yeah ever since one management was formed.
Believe what goes around comes around: yeah actually i do.
Believe everything happens for a reason: aye.
Think you're a health freak: noooope. non at all.

LAYER 6: IN THE By Month.
Gone to the mall: yes.
Been on stage: yes.
Eaten sushi: not reallly.
Been hurt: aye.
Dyed your hair: no

Played a stripping game: no. i wish though.
Kissed the same sex: peradventure.

.. yes.
Got beaten upwardly: no.
Changed who y'all were to fit in: no- you lot can't change yourself.

Age y'all're hoping to exist married by: whenever it happens.
Number of kids you're planning on having: doesn't matter.

Best eye colour: doesn't affair.
Pilus colour: doesn't thing.
Short or long hair: .. doesn't matter.
Fat or fit: really?
Looks or personality: personality,

yep just have you lot seen all the babes
Fun or serious: fun!

1 MINUTE AGO: this.
1 Hour Ago: this.
1 WEEK Ago: out with some people.
i Year AGO: the tour with the lads.

LAYER 11: Stop THE Judgement.
I feel: tired
I detest: my regrets.
I hide: everything.
I demand: no one someone who i tin trust.
I love: ..i don't know. no one..?

Band: coldplay, beatles. a lot of 'em.
Colour: not quite certain i have a lot of preferences.
Nutrient: TACOS.
Thing to exercise: anything entertaining-- hangout with the residuum of the ring.

How long take you lot known your best friend?: ii years now.
When's the concluding time you kissed someone?: i'll never osculation and tell. (;
What'due south your middle name?: edward.
What are yous excited for?: something fun to happen.
Practise yous accept any saved texts on your phone?: don't believe i have.
What's something random about you lot?: i have tattoos--


Are y'all gay, direct, asexual, bisexual, or pansexual?

bisexual directly.

Are y'all male or female?
male-- isn't it obvious?

Would you cheat on somebody?
of course not. that's wrong. D:

Have yous ever cheated on somebody?

Kiss on the first date?
i don't see why not.

Sex on the first engagement?
that's a bit besides far

but i wouldn't mind if they asked.

Do you like someone, in a sense, weaker than you, or stronger than you
what? does that really matter?

Have you always masturbated, before?

y e s.

Who was your get-go love?
oh .. that was a long while agone..

no not caroline

Have you e'er left a hickey on someone earlier?

How many romantic relationships you've been in?
.. reckon more than three.

Are you in dear with someone? Who?
i'll never osculation and tell. (;

Are yous in a relationship with someone? Who?
no, not anyone.

Have you kissed the person you are in beloved with / the person you lot are in a relationship with / both? How many times?
yeah i have. in fact. not a many .. only twice.

How heavy was this kissing?
heavy? or long?

like my penis.

Have you lot had sexual intercourse with the person y'all are in love with / the person you are in a relationship with / both? How many times?
no no no. 1000'not quite certain they're interested.

What beast best represents you, and why?
a true cat. because i like cats. 8P

Would you lot kinkily dress up as said animal for your honey interest?
... of course. (;

Describe the steamiest y'all and a partner have ever gotten.
.. we had intercourse. if that'southward steamy plenty for you.

Are y'all a virgin?

Where'due south a place you would like to accept sex?
the bedroom???


List names of people you lot know in these numbers. Exercise not put yourself in.

1. paul
2. zayn
3. niall
four. liam
five. louis
6. simon
7. josh

How would you experience if six was utterly in honey with you, and confessed to yous, today?
.. I'd feel weirded out. How sometime is Simon? 87?

How would you feel if 2 and 4 had sex in YOUR bed?
.. oh god. i hope they make clean up after themselves.

and no leeyum. wai leeyum wai u do dis

How would you feel if 1 and vii were in a relationship, and ane cheated on 7 with 3?
gross. that'due south disgusting. that's.. paul'south .. no.

How would y'all experience about ane having a relationship with 5?
non adept.. and mainly disgusted.

How would 2 feel if you hooked up with 6?
why is everyone with simon --

Would you have sexual activity with iii?
... maybe. i woudn't mind.


A- Age of 1st kiss: ... 12 ? perhaps younger.
B- Band you lot are listening to correct at present: ... coldplay.
C- 1st Crush: .. cheryl cole
D- Dad's name: des.
Eastward- Easiest person to talk to: .. was lou.
F- Favorite ice cream: chocolate
K- Gummy worms or gummy bear?: gluey bears.
I- Instruments: guitar. if you hateful what i similar.
J- Junior high: wilmslow
Thousand- Kids: not any
50- Longest car ride ever: it was definitely when we were on our bout.
M- Mom's proper noun: anne
N- Nicknames: hazza, harreh, haz, curls.
O- One wish: to brand life every bit ane direction concluding. (:
P- Phobia(due south): -------

none because harry's a big strong man.
Q- Quote: 'I tin can't alter.'
R- Reason(s) to grinning: considering you're happy.
S- Vocal you sang concluding: wmyb.
T- Time yous woke up today: 9 or 10 a.grand.
U- Unknown fact well-nigh me: i lost my virginity to caroline flack.
5- Virgin: what did i just say.
W- Worst habit: getting naked all the time.
X- How many X-rays yous've had: i don't know--
Y- Your to the lowest degree favorite person as of right now: .. louis.
Z- Zodiac sign: .. er, aquarius i think.


1. harry
2. hazza
3. haz

1. harry_styles
two. therealharry

1. eat.
2. do this.
3. mind to music.

1. hair
2. four nipples
3. personality


ii. how i similar being without clothes
three. i d k

1. what
2. do you
3. mean

1. i'k
2. not
3. eh-scared

1. boxer-briefs
2. boxer-briefs
3. boxer-briefs

one. my mobile
2. starbucks drink
3. converse

1. mobile
two. all-time
3. friends

1. ramones
2. beatles
3. coldplay

1. grin
2. be happy with yourself
3. enjoy life

1. all
2. of
iii. them

1. find someone
2. write new hit singles
3. accept fun on tour

1. letting
ii. hate
three. go to me

Iii THINGS Y'all Want IN A Human relationship:
1. someone who understands
ii. cheeky also.
3. trustworthy and sweet.

1. i'm
2. not
iii. sure

Two TRUTHS AND A Prevarication:
one. i'm in dear with louis.
2. i'one thousand in honey with liam.
3. i'm in honey with tacos.


handful of boobs. simply none is ok
ii. vag
iii. pilus.

1. caring.
2. kind.
3. understanding.

3 PHYSICAL THINGS Yous Similar IN THE Aforementioned SEX:
1. pilus.
2. dick.
3. chest. idk.

1. funny.
2. nice.
3. spontaneous.

THREE THINGS Yous Just Can'T Exercise:
1. back flips.
two. Non exist naked.
3. wear clothes

ane. spending lots of time with my family
2. white eskimo
three. life of a baker.

1. dearest
2. love
3. love

1. past
ii. teachings
iii. advice.

ane. cook
2. cook
3. stay naked.

THREE THINGS You WANT TO Exercise Actually Desperately Correct At present:
1. talk to lou
ii. end this stupid quiz
3. fuck

1. i
2. like
3. mine

ane. kingdom of spain
2. united states of america.
3. france

one. i
2. d
iii. chiliad.

Iii Male child'Southward NAMES:
one. louis
2. liam
3. niall

1. audrey.
two. victoria.
3. fklajf.

Iii THINGS Yous Desire TO DO Before You lot Dice
one. live
2. my
iii. life.


First name?: harry

Height?: 5'10''

Dontkillme. Weight?: 150

i think--

If you're a girl, cup size?: i dunno.. probably 34d?

lolno he's a fucking guy

Do yous wanna kill me all the same?: why would i?

...too bad. What's your nationality?: british.

Born there?: england? of grade.

Anyone y'all hate?: not sure i should say. [shifty eyes]

Proper name an anime/manga: ... non too sure about those.. pokemon?

Hate anyone from there?: why would i hate pokemon?

Favourite character?: all of them.

Do you wish they actually existed?: certain, i guess.

What well-nigh Television set, do you watch any shows?: love, actually.. or family guy...

Practise y'all watch the news?: sometimes.

Practise your parents spotter them?: non certain about my mum, she probably does though.

'kay. Dad's name?: des. step-begetter is robin.

Any siblings?: .. yes. my older sis gemma.

Swain/girlfriend?: .. no. D:

How do y'all experience about internet relationships?: never tried information technology before.

The dreaded question... What's your favourite color?: i don't take a favorite. like quite a few actually.

Where do you call up I'one thousand from?: i dunno.

What'due south my name?: you never told me. :I

Do you lot even know who made this quiz?: no-

Okay... Ever considered suicide?: that'due south a bit personal, isn't it? no.

What exercise you await for in your pregnant other?: someone i could spend the residuum of my life with.

Ever wanna get married?: of course.

How about children?: /nods

Job?: used work at a bakery, now i'm a singer along with the other lads.

At what age?: what do you hateful?

Final question, how do you wish to die?: of old age.. to the lowest degree it isn't also traumatizing for anyone else.


My Age:
[ ] I am considered a small.
[x] I am over 18.

yeah. a few months older.
[ ] I am nether 13.
[x] I am in between the ages of 13 and 18.
[ ] I wish I was older.
[ ] I wish I was younger.
[x] I like my historic period.
[ ] I know how to drive, even though I'm besides immature to have my license.
[ ] I potable/smoke and I'g underage.

My Advent:
[10] I have brown hair.
[ten] I have blonde hair.
[ ] I have blackness hair.
[ ] I take red hair.
[ ] I take an unnatural hair color.
[ ] I've dyed my pilus before.
[ ] I've gotten highlights/lowlights before.
[x] I have curly hair.
[ ] I have straight hair.
[ ] I have wavy hair.
[ ] I accept frizzy hair.
[ ] I straighten my hair every mean solar day.
[ ] I have dark-brown eyes.
[ ] I take blue eyes.
[ ] I have greyness eyes.
[ ] I accept hazel optics.
[x] I have green eyes.
[ ] My eyes change colours.
[ ] I apply color contacts.
[ten] I have glasses.
[x] I employ regular contacts.
[ ] I got light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation eye surgery.
[ ] I am under 5'4.
[ ] I'm under 5 feet.
[x] I'1000 over 5'4.
[ ] I am over vi anxiety tall.
[ ] I love my top.
[ ] I hate my acme.
[x] I am happy with the size I am.

ten] I wish I was skinnier.
[ ] I wish I could gain some weight.
[ ] I am trying to lose weight.
[ ] I have gone on fad diets before.
[ ] I have taken diet pills and laxatives.
[x] My shoe size is above a 9.
[ ] My shoe size is under a 5.
[x] My shoe size is normal.
[ ] It'south hard for me to find shoes that fit.

[ten] I store at stores like Abercrombie, Holllister, and American Eagle.
[ ] I've shopped at Hot Topic.
[ ] I store at stores like PacSun and Zumies.
[ ] I shop at stores like Bloomingdales and Saks.
[x] I shop at stores like Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters.

doesn't american apparel count
[ ] I shop at Wal-Mart, Target, and Thou-Mart.
[10] I love shopping.
[ ] I hate shopping, and still wear stuff from 5 years ago.
[ ] I ain a designer bag.
[ ] I love those oversized tote bags.
[ ] I despise skinny jeans.
[ ] I habiliment high-waisted jeans.
[ ] Mary-Kate Olsen is definitely my style icon.
[x]Shoes are my life.
[x] I live in my converses.
[ ] I love Uggs!

[ ] I absolutely cannot stand flip flops.
[ ] I get my nails done every calendar week.
[ ] I wear perfume.
[ ] I detest pedicures.
[ ] I wear faux eyelashes.
[ ] I wearable a lot of makeup.
[/] I don't wear whatever makeup.
[ ] I love Burt'south Bees.
[ ] I wear a ton of eyeliner.
[ ] I article of clothing lipstick.
[ ] I wearable lipliner.
[ten] I feel uncomfortable when wearing mini skirts.
[ ] I wear a lot of low cut shirts that show a lot of cleavage.
[x] High heels are sexy. /not on me though--
[x] I cannot walk in high heels.
[ ] I love wedges.
[x] I live in my jeans.
[ ] My dog is my favorite accessory
[ ] I prefer granny panties.
[ ] I purchase all my bras from Victoria's Secret.
[ ] I honey Victoria's Secret'due south PINK line.

[ ] I am in elementary schoolhouse.
[] I am in eye school.
[ ] I am in high school.
[ten] I am in college.
[ ] I am a high school dropout.
[ ] I am homeschooled.
[10] I've graduated.
[10] I get to a individual school.
[ ] I go to a Cosmic schoolhouse.
[ ] I go to a public school.
[ ] I am in Honors classes.
[ ] I desire to go into an Ivy League college.
[ ] My favorite class is English.
[ ] I hate science.
[ ] I hate English.
[ ] I love math.
[ ] I am currently failing i or more of my classes.
[ ] My teachers are horrible, and I have no clue why they were hired.
[ ] I love my teachers.
[ ] I want to graduate now!
[ ] I wish I could stay in high school forever.
[ten] I am/was in ring or orchestra.
[ ] I am/was in choir.
[ ] I'm in a lot of clubs.
[ten] I play a ton of school sports.
[ ] I'm on a Varsity or JV squad.
[ ] I'm in all the school plays.
[ ] I tin can inappreciably wait to become to college.

My Friends:
[ ] I take a best friend.
[x] I have more than than one best friend.
[ten] I have a lot of acquaintances.
[ ] I don't accept any friends
[x] My friends are crazy, just I beloved them.
[10] My friends and I practice a ton of stuff together.
[ten] I take a lot of guy friends.
[x] I have had the same best friend for years.
[ ] My all-time friends change similar I change my underwear.
[ ] My friends and I get into a lot of fights.

The Opposite Sex activity (or Same Sexual practice):
[ ] I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ten] I'grand single.
[x] I claw up oft.
[10] I've never had a fellow. /cause .. y'know. i'm a guy.
[ ] I'm gay.
[x] I'm bi.
[ ] I'm lesbian.
[ ] I'thousand pan-sexual.
[ ] I'chiliad boy-crazy.
[ ] I've dated my friend'due south ex.
[ ] I've never been kissed.
[ ] I've had an abortion earlier.
[ ] I was meaning in high school.
[ ] I'k saving myself until I'yard married.
[ ] I'1000 just waiting for the right guy to have sex with.
[ ] I lost my virginity under the age of 13.
[ ] I beloved tall guys.
[10] I would date someone shorter than me.
[ ] I focus more on looking for a guy/daughter with a good personality than a actually hot guy/girl.
[ ] I love guys with blue eyes.
[ ] Facial pilus is sexy on some boys.
[ ] Guys with piercings and tattoos are amazing.
[ ] I love preppy guys.
[ ] I honey the nerds.
[ ] I would date someone in the army.

[ ] My parents are married.
[x] My parents are divorced.
[ ] My parents are living together, but aren't married.
[x] I love my parents.
[ ] I hate my parents.
[ ] I love my parents, but they annoy me a lot.
[ ] My parents are so embarrassing!
[ ] My parents are really strict.
[x] My parents allow me do whatever I want.
[x] I tell everything to my parents.
[ ] I don't tell anything to my parents.
[x] I tell some things to my parents.
[ ] I take a brother.
[ten] I have a sis.
[ ] I am the oldest in the family.
[ ] I'm in the center.
[x] I'one thousand the youngest in the family.
[ ] I have a blood brother or sis in higher.
[ ] I babysit my brother or sis all the fourth dimension.
[ ] I love my grandparents.
[ ] One or more of my bang-up grandparents are alive.
[ ] I've been to a family unit reunion before.

Other Stuff:
[ ] I'm a grammer nazi.
[ ] I honey erasers.
[/] Chocolate is sex.
[ ] I'm pro choice.
[ ] I'm pro life.
[ ] I'm a Democrat.
[ ] I'm a Republican.
[ten] I don't know what I am.
[ ] I love Bush-league.
[/] I check my email every day.
[ ] I use MSN.
[/] I love Facebook.
[ ] I prefer Myspace.
[ ] I hate people that TYPE LiiKE THiiS 0r Thursday!$ oR tHiSsSsS
[ ] I love Chinese food. /no. tacos.


I have
[ ] smoked
[x] consumed alcohol
[ten] slept in the same bed with someone of the reverse sex
[x] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sexual activity
[x] kissed someone of the same sex
[10] had sex activity
[x] had someone in your room other than family unit
[x] watched porn /i remember he would have.. with niall.
[ ] bought porn
[ ] tried drugs

Total: 7

[ ] taken painkillers
[ ] taken someone else's prescription medicine
[10] lied to your parents
[x] lied to a friend
[x] snuck out of the firm
[ ] done something illegal
[10] felt hurt
[x] hurt someone
[ ] wished someone to die
[ ] seen someone die


[ten] missed curfew
[x] stayed out all night
[ ] eaten a carton of water ice foam past yourself
[ ] been to a therapist
[ ] received a ticket
[ ] been to rehab
[ ] dyed your pilus
[ ] been in an accident
[x] been to a club
[ten] been to a bar

Total: 16

[x] been to a wild party
[ ] been to a Mardi Gras parade
[ ] drank more three alcoholic beverages in a night.
[ ] had a spring break in Florida
[10] sniffed anything
[ ] wore blackness nail polish
[x] wore arm bands
[ten] wore t-shirts with band names
[10] listened to rap


[10] dressed gothic /in the x-factor thing
[ ] dressed girly
[/] dressed punk
[ ] dressed grunge
[ ] stole something
[ ] been too boozer to remember anything
[ ] blacked out
[ ] fainted
[x] had a crush on a neighbor

Total: 23.five

[x] had a crush on a friend
[x] been to a concert
[ ] dry-humped someone
[10] been called a slut
[ ] called someone a slut
[ ] installed speakers in a car
[ ] broken a mirror
[10] showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
[ ] brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush

TOTAL: 27.5

[ ] considered Ludacris your favorite rapper
[10] seen an R-rated movie
[x] cruised the mall
[ ] skipped schoolhouse
[ ] had surgery
[x] had an injury
[ ] gone to court
[ ] walked out of a restaurant without paying
[/] defenseless something on fire
[ ] lied about your historic period


[10] owned/rented an apartment/house
[ ] bankrupt the law in the police's presence
[ ] made out with someone who had a GF/BF
[ ] got in trouble with the police
[x] talked to a stranger
[10] hugged a stranger
[x] kissed a stranger
[ ] rode in the car with a stranger
[ ] been harassed
[10] been verbally harassed


[x] met face-to-face with someone you met online /ya with those fangirls
[/] stayed online for 5+ hours straight
[/] talked on the phone for more than than 4 hours directly
[10] watched TV for v hours straight
[ ] been to a fair
[ ] been called a bad influence
[ ] drank and collection
[x] prank-chosen someone
[ten] laid on a couch with someone of the contrary sexual practice
[ ] cheated on a test

Total: 41

If you have 00-ten ... write [I'm a goody-goody]
If you lot have 11-20 ... write [I'm still a goody-goody]
If you lot accept 21-30 ... write [I'k average]
If yous have 31-40 ... write [I'm a bad child]
If you accept 41-50 ... write [I'k a very bad influence]
If yous have 51-60 ... write [I'm a horrible person]
If you have 61-70 ... write [I should be in jail]
If you accept 71-eighty ... write [I should exist expressionless]
If you have 81-90 ... write [I got a ticket to Hell]

goody goody?
.. not really.


[ ] - Dust scares you.
[ ] - Your mother had more than than ii children.
[ ] - You are a smoker.
[ ] - You drink a lot.
[ ] - You like to write.
[ ] - You are religious.
[ ] - You like to fire candles
[ ] - Yous prefer juice or h2o over soda.
[ ] - You take ridden a horse.

Full SO FAR 0

[ ] - You lot have done drugs.
[ ] - You are currently a drug addict.
[/] - You are very artistic.
[/] - You like blimp animals.
[x] - You lot are attracted to shiny things.
[ ] - You have eaten a bug earlier.
[ ] - You lot beloved cars.
[x] - Cats are your favorite fauna.
[ ] - Yous hate animals.
[ ] - Yous are spontaneous and random. /nope that's louis.

TOTAL And so FAR four

[ten] - You like fruit a lot. /banaynaysss
[x] - You drive.
[10] - You lot brand / made skillful grades in school.
[ten] - You are going / are in / have been to college. /going probably
[ ] - You like for things to be very make clean.
[/] - Yous are very messy
[/] - You love to eat. /not as much as niall
[ ] - Christmas is your favorite holiday.
[x] - You like the beach.
[ ] - You hate the color pink

Full Then FAR 10

[x] - You habiliment glasses or contacts. /not all the time
[ ] - Y'all chat online a lot.
[ ] - Y'all always use correct grammer.
[ ] - You like to take quizzes.
[/] - You eat out at restaurants more than you eat at home.
[/] - You savor swimming.
[ ] - You lot have more than 5 pets.
[ ] - You have more than than ten pets.
[ten] - You believe in ghosts.
[x] - You have seen a ghost.


[/] - You prefer comedy movies over romance movies.
[x] - You lot like dancing, either doing it yourself or watching.
[ ] - You have been to a strip lodge.
[/] - Y'all drink coffee in the morning. /or on the run
[10] - Y'all like to be awake at dark.
[ ] - Y'all don't become outside often.
[ ] - Y'all dear to read
[x] - You believe in an afterlife of some kind.
[ten] - You lot have had short hair.
[10] - You know how to cook well.

1000 Total: twenty

0 - 1 = Mosquito.
2 - 3 = A weed.
four - 5 = Daisy.
6 - seven = Janitor.
8 - 9 = Goose.
10 - 11 = Rock.
12 - 13 = Firefighter.
14 - 15 = Rose.
16 - 17 = Mouse.
18 - 19 = Cow.
20 - 21 = Rabbit.
22 - 23 = Mental Patient.
24 - 25 = Grass.
26 - 27 = H2o.
28 - 29 = Bat.
30 - 31 = Hippo.
32 - 33 = Crocodile.
34 - 35 = Vampire.
36 - 37 = Horse.
38 - 39 = Militarist.
twoscore - 41 = Spider
42 - 43 = Flea.
44 - 45 = Princess or Prince.
46 - 47 = President.

close to existence a mental patient--


[ten] you take screamed at an inanimate object for "hurting" you
[x] y'all have ran into a drinking glass/screen door
[x] you have jumped out of a moving vehicle
[x] you have thought something was funny, laughed, and people gave you weird looks
[x] you lot accept see a tree/bush-league
[ten] you have been called a blonde /well i was..

Total: 5

[x] you know that it IS possible to lick your elbow
[x] yous just tried to lick your elbow
[x] you never knew the alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Piddling Star had the same melody. /look, really?
[x] you just sang them to make sure
[x] you have tripped over your own feet and fallen
[x] you accept choked on your ain spit

Full: 11

[ ] you have seen the Matrix and nonetheless don't get information technology
[ ] y'all blazon with three fingers or less
[x] you have accidentally defenseless something on fire
[ ] y'all accept tried to drink out of a straw merely it went into your nose
[10] yous accept caught yourself drooling

Full: 13

[ ] you have fallen asleep in class
[x] sometimes you just stop thinking /yeah, it's chosen spacing out.
[ten] sometimes when y'all are telling a story you forget what y'all are talking about
[x] people often milk shake their heads and walk away from y'all
[x] you are often told to use your "inside voice"

Total: 17

[/] you use your fingers to practice simple math
[/] yous take accidentally eaten a bug
[ten] you lot are doing this examination when you should be doing something more than important
[ten] you have put your apparel on inside out/backwards without realizing it
[x] you've looked all over for something and then realized it was in your manus/pocket


[ ] you take posted bulletins (concatenation mail service) because y'all're afraid of what volition happen if you don't.
[ ] you intermission a lot of things
[/] you tilt your caput when confused
[x] you have fallen out of your chair before
[ ] when lying in bed, you lot try to observe pictures out of the textures on the ceiling
[x] yous apply the discussion "um" a lot /erm, er, uh, yeah.
[ ] you fail to sympathise what "um" ways /.. it'due south a filler, isn't it?
[ ] yous say "what" and "huh" a lot
[ ] you lot plan to use a figurer for the multiplication for this test

Total: 23.five

GRAND Total: 23.5

At present accept your total and multiply it by iv and re-mail service equally "I am _% insane."

i am 94% insane
that'due south a nice thought.


[x] Yous know how to make a pot of coffee.
[ ] Y'all proceed rail of dates using a calendar.
[x] You lot own a credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a motorcar.
[x] You lot've done your own laundry.
[x] You lot tin can vote in an election.
[x] Y'all tin can melt for yourself.
[ ] You lot think politics are interesting.
TOTAL And so FAR: 5

[ ] You show up for school late a lot.
[ ] You always deport a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket.
[ ] You've never gotten a detention.
[ ] You lot have forgotten your own birthday.
[ ] Yous similar to accept walks by yourself.
[x] You lot know what brownie ways, without looking it upward.
[x] Y'all drinkable caffeine at least in one case a week. /tea too.

[10] You know how to practise the dishes.
[ ] Y'all can count to 10 in another linguistic communication.
[x] When you lot say yous're going to do something yous usually do it. /Normally
[ ] You tin mow the lawn.
[ ] You study even when you don't take to.
[ ] You have mitt washed a machine earlier.
Total SO FAR: 9

[10] You can spell experience, without looking information technology up.
[x] The people at Starbucks know you past name.
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out.
[10] You tin go to the store without getting something you don't need.
[ ] Yous understand political jokes the commencement fourth dimension they are said.
[x] You can type pretty quick. /only talk sloooooow
Full SO FAR: 13

[ ] Your merely friends are from your place of employment. /no there's white eskimo crew
[ ] You lot take been to a Tupperware party. /lol wat
[ ] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[ ] You lot take more than bills than you tin can pay.
[x] You take been to the beach.
[10] You apply the cyberspace every solar day.
[x] Y'all accept been outside of the US iii or more than times.
[/] You make your bed in the morning.
Total Then FAR: sixteen.v

Total: xvi.five

xviii and i act 16 1/2.


What would you practice if?
1. I was right side by side to you:
2. I kissed you:
3. I lived next door to you lot:
4. I started smoking:
five. I was hospitalized:
half-dozen. I was boozer:
vii. I hugged you:
8. I asked you to get out:
9. I asked yous out:

What do you call up about my?
10. Personality:
11. Eyes:
12. Pilus:
thirteen. Body:

Would you?
xiv. Be my friend?
15. Proceed a secret if i told you i?
xvi. Buss me?
17. Go on a date with me?
eighteen. Keep in touch?
nineteen. Date me?

Have yous always?
20. Lied to make me feel better?
21. Wanted to kiss me?
22. Wanted to bite me?
23. Kept something important from me?
24. Wanted to cuddle with me?


25. Are nosotros friends?

26. When and how did we meet?

27. Describe me in i word:

28. What was your first impression?

29. What reminds y'all of me?

30. If you could give me anything what would it be?

31. How well practice you know me?

32. When'southward the final fourth dimension y'all saw me?

33. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

34. Are you lot gonna post this and then you can meet what I say about you?

Check x in the box for your answers

Would/volition you lot?
[] Come to my house to do nada at all but chill?
[] Fight me?
[] kiss me?
[]Let me kiss you?
[] Watch a movie with me?
[] Get out to dinner with me?
[] Sing car karaoke with me?
[] Hold my hand?
[] Permit me make yous breakfast?
[] Aid me with homework?
[] Tickle me?
[] Let me tickle yous?
[] Instant message me?
[] Greet me in public?
[] Hang out with me?
[] Bring me around your friends?
[] Exist down with me no affair what?

Exercise you lot?
[] Call back I'thousand cute?
[] Recollect I'1000 serious?
[] Think I'm a good person
[] Think I'm conceided?
[] Want to kiss me?
[] Want to cuddle with me?
[] Want to hook up with me?
[] Dear me?

Am I?
[] Smart?
[] Cute?
[] Funny?
[] Sexy?
[] Cool?
[] Romantic?
[] A freak?
[] Gangsta?
[] Loveable?
[] Ambrosial?
[] Trustworthy
[] Compassionate?
[] Great to be with?
[] Bonny?
[] Mean?
[] Well known?

Have yous e'er?
[] Thought near hooking upward with me?
[] Plant yourself wanting a kiss from me?
[] Wished I were there?
[] Had a beat on me?
[] Wanted my number?
[] Had a dream near me?
[] Been distracted by me?
[] Looked at my folio more than ten times?

Are you?
[] Happy yous know me?
[] Thinking about me?
[] Wanting to call me to talk about these things?
[] going to repost this for me to do?


Source: https://www.deviantart.com/pussy-master/journal/this-took-me-two-hours-318865797

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